3 Years ago my husband and I embarked on a health journey to lose some weight and feel our best. It worked. Like, for the first time ever, IT WORKED. We reached a healthy weight and each shed over 50 lbs FOR GOOD.
For a full year, I turned down the opportunity to pay it forward and coach others because I didn't "need" the money, I was busy, I didn't want to add another thing to my plate, and on and on. BUT, I KNEW THAT I NEEDED THE ACCOUNTABILITY. And so, 2 years ago I started coaching friends and family utilizing the same plan that we were so successful in. Best. Decision. Ever.
Today, I stand here with a thriving coaching business, a healthy family, and a passion and purpose to help as many as I can. I'm working on replacing our family's monthly cash flow requirements to allow us to invest more and give more to causes we believe in. And, to have diversify our income with another stream of income in a different industry for added security in the event of whatever happens next in our economy.
I took these 4 boating last week and it struck me... I was comfortable in a bathing suit, I wasn't self conscious, I was present, and I was active with my kids and that means EVERYTHING to me. I could cry thinking of all the years I felt like I needed to sit on the sidelines because I was self conscious, avoided being in pictures, and just didn't feel good.
All that to say, I'm grateful. So grateful for all that I've gained in my health. These 4 (and their dad) are my favorite people on the planet and truly my "WHY". I want to be the best version of myself, the HEALTHIEST version of myself (mentally and physically) for them.
Mamas, instead of letting kids be our excuse to be unhealthy (we need to drink wine for stress, we have no time to care for ourselves, etc. etc), let your kids and your family be your MOTIVATION to be the healthiest you.
Let your family be the reason you SHOW UP for yourself in your health.
And trust me, when you show up in your health for yourself, you show up better in all the ways ... as a mom, as a wife, as a friend ... getting healthy changes everything.
Dearest Stacy, what an inspirational testimony! Your story gives me hope and will, I know with your help, I can finish this journey and reach my healthy goal 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you!